Baby blues

from bottom to top ok? :)

its 5 in the morning and wat better than go out for a short jog and just camping for the sun rise?

pic1 5.47 things are gonna and things will happen eventually

pic2 6.14 geek in the pink

pic3 6.32 the air that gave me this passion

pic4 6.45 the silence that only a saint wishes

pic5 6.50 its the lights that inspire dreams

pic6 6.58 just put them together and you get the fresh air of fiery night, silence one begs for thinking and the light from the sun to me a chance, a reason to live.

pic7 7.oo But at the end of the day, the bright light turns to night and that feeling slowly disappears

Passions, Dreams and Wishes

the out line of the sun was a sunburst moment with pink accents

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