
When we mention this title we think of entities that are stuck between heaven and earth. Aren't we all ghost in some way, wonder aimlessly towards something which have no meaning for others but its special for yourself.

Kiss her goodnight before leaving her, thats the last thing she deserves
quote lucky13

What's the best thing that has happened to you? What can you recall that had significant value? Maybe that watch your wearing, or the moment you got the watch? In life there's something to give and something to let go. That process will change the course of the present and develop your future in ways you can never imagine. What if you missed college? Then tmw is another new day rite? College was delayed therefore more work for you.

Time, something we can't buy with any amount. Even tho the saying time is money. We can get money but time is the gold in the broke man's house. It might be hidden or might not be there at all. We take for granted, like the past lovers or flings. Time and lovers shape the person you are today. It might not be the way the you walk but its the way to talk or the way you smile.

I've got a tight grip on reality but i can't let go of what's in front me
quote Hayley Williams- Paramore

Lets say we didn't meet,
I would hate for that to happen,
Cause for what its worth,
Life is worth wild meeting you.

A far cry from reality,
Faith flies like a dove,
A smile to insanity,
Consequences of your love for me.
quote lucky 13



Look Out, Look Away

Would you hold me,
If you knew my shame
quote Tears Don't Fall

I scream with visions slowly fading, blinded by the white light, i rage towards the machine. The only thing that controls our thoughts, our ways of life, stick it to the fucking MAN.

Rebel for freedom, envy justice for it is far from grasp
quote lucky13

So how do we rebel for freedom? Play hardcore music, abduct a minister or two? No we riot on the streets and get our soldiers killed. Plain and simple, follow the rules by day, forget Batman at night and this can't be more simple.

I never thought that this is how i would hit the floor
quote Hit The floor

Lets start a circle in the middle and let the fist fly. Anything goes rite in the mosh pit, we can sing along after that. I love the concept of a punch first, sing later. Its brilliant, we can bring the hate from our everyday lives, we share a common persona; We get punched, kicked, body slammed and we do the same. Few minutes later we sing along to those imminent parts of the songs that we can't resist. A friendship for an hour cause of our common taste in music.

How do we keep this complicated emotions locked up in our sub concious. We keep a straight face, act like a normal human being. So what if this bottle of emotions get full? Thats how its been and that how its gonna be. Deal with it in your own manner. How do you manipulate it to get under control. To many times i've seen it, we sing out loud. LOOK! AT! ME! NOW!! OWHH!

We shed a tear for those loved ones alive or not, the ones we can remember, the ones we've forgotten, 4 words to choke up. We say our Good-Bye's but thats not enough, we need to keep them in our memories just to keep us sane. Think about it, what would happen if that person didn't exist, then life would just turn out different and just maybe, you won't be riding this and i won't be writing how i would hope to be writing. I carry no regrets on my shoulders, my past is locked away, my window to the future is open for the opportunities to fly in.

Look at my eyes and tell me what we had was a lie to keep me sane
quote lucky13




Look at the cloud and i think to myself, is it a floating entity that usually comes when you have a hard day. Look at the palms and try to trace back the family roots. Looking at your eyes, they tell me "I love you" but not don't hope for a happy ending.

It's a feeling that i can't put my finger on, it won't come your way just once, you'll won't find it when your looking for it. It lands on your lap, nurture it for it might bring you the only true happiness in your life.

The fact that the knowledge of true would never exist, I swore to myself that i would think of that smile as the only anchor i have in my heart. It doesn't weight me down but keeps me afloat. It keeps the proof that your not just a dream.


Assumptions, Judgemental, Heartless

When i met you, i looked forward to seeing you in my dreams, but reality was better cause i saw you.
quote lucky13

The point of extortion is to gain leverage over your competitor and apparently life has a huge leverage on me and i cant do anything bout it. It brings me great grief when i mutter the words I love you and i will always care for you. Because a person like me can't express himself to another but your that special person. I found it rather nice that i could at least express my feelings for you.

The way you look at me with those mischievous eyes still lingers in my dreams. The actual certainty of our love will last. That deceiving smile that i fell for, those lies i ignored, the truth that i so hopefully came out of your mouth, that special person i became when i felt your presence was a beautiful lie. An odd thing to love that deception, the complication but i guess i'm always second best, from my first crush to my first love. The winner doesn't know how to appreciate the type of love that you project.

A single moment of sincerity was hoped upon but sadly you showed no compassion because its human nature to not show weakness for it was easy for that person to be exploited. I guess that i'm not a common human. You exploited and used my weakness and spun that web of love to eat on my grief. I don't ask for much but at least tell me why was it easy for you to do the action you did.

My heart still trembles when i think of you,
My tears run down when i think of you,
I feel my heart with regret because of things ended up,
Cause i think that you hurt your loved ones the most.
quote lucky13

I know the fact that you won't tell me some things and i respect your privacy but that doesn't mean you can parade behind my back and get away with. I won't send you on a guilt trip but i would really appreciate the fact that your honest. I would love it that you would appreciate the fact that i never scold you. Your my daughter but my lover, but i taught, i was a dispensable fling.

I ignore the facts cause i taught you were better than those lies coming from others. I guess trouble knocks on my door every time i look at you.

My deepest passion is to find a trouble maker,
I dream of her honesty,
I wish she would come back into my arms once more,
My hope dies with a big hole in my centre.
quote lucky13



Romeo LoveD Juliet

Now the need to utter rubbish has caught once again.

Let the light bring you towards darkness to see how the blind looks at this corrupt world.

You came to me like the sky that suddenly appears, and as i appreciated you shadowing the sun, you disappear to render to me broken.

Okay, weeks passed by, finally i got my laptop and my car back but in total it cost up to 3k. This is madness at biblical proportion.

Sing at the tone proper to the song, shoot at the person responsible for all you troubles, act as God for the moment, but don't blame anyone else but yourself. I cant say that i appreciated every gesture you gave me cause for one, it was useless after the incident. Its not my war, i don't knock at peoples door but trouble comes to me in a fashionable manner in which it invites itself over. So its only my fault that i provoke it after a submissive defeat.

Let love guide to all the wrong places as long as it makes the heart happy and the soul complete.
quote lucky13



Human Nature, or Mine at least

I got a hole in me now,
Revenge takes a bow,
Whats the point,
Everything still looks plain.
quote lucky13

Are you indecisive when both sides have a strong influence on the outcome and it seems like smiles will come? Its like the most confusing question of all, is zebra's white with black stripes or the other way around? Either way it makes you happy that you solved the riddle. Life is full of decisions which you have to make in order to sustain balance. Not making a decision is a direct decision itself.

Okay, college is going good except for the fact that i went to the wrong floor today -.- and i was already late. Other than that, my car. I cant find a proper work shop that won't con me into paying more or stealing my parts.

Can humans not cheat each other into giving something up? Maybe its human nature? I've noticed that somewhere along the line of honesty, theres a thread missing. Everyones guilty along the way. If your in denial, then you too show another human nature characteristic :)

Don't say something crazy like you love me, cause i know i'd something crazy like believing in it
quote lucky13

Now privilege is something that can be bought or earned through some influential hand. With the influential hand, thats either corruption or just sympathy. We all are corrupted in some way, its just if you believe it thats all. Life gives you time, waste it, and then regret is just human nature :)

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