Life is changing!

Green water towards the bright shadow in the dark.
Red and black hoody with designer labels don't count for nothing.
Just a heart full of love, pure struggle, gentle hands and father time.

Today was some carnival at some school. Went there to go teman lara but i was left out o.0 She left me when i went to go mosh and she had my wallet, cigarettes, money clip and phone. The only things i usually bring to outings and i had to use someones phone to call her. Amazingly she didnt pick up which was a big surprise :p

Other than that, i had fun, i had joy and some how i had tears. I guess its just like ya'll. A letter of resignation to proclamation and declaration of the first president. Release the slaves to which is not valuable to us. I say release you stress and just let things fall into motion. Thou shall not make time waste itself but thy not need time for help. This had pass to everyone i noe that matters and respect life.

Live and let die. Just a word i would say to a person that has lost a loved one. Its not the end of the world for me but it seems like it for you. Hang in there and just surf the waves while toking on some high quality sweet ass cheeba :) Don smoke yourself retarded, look at ... ..... has become a junkie and would do time in his own mental lock up.

Passions, Dreams and Wishes

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