Lady Fingers

How do you explain the past mistakes that you've regreted so much to your fellow friends or loved ones? Easy, at this point of life its just making sure you keep to the status quo and follow the social connection.

I am Ironman. Black dress with the a white shoe is what spoils your eyes. Why does it matter to me? Owh wait... i'm not sure it does :p hahahahah.
Whats your hybrid theory about? Is it to sustain the bitter sweet everyday life or just a way to change the current revolution that we call the future?

A question in a question is a simple suggestion.
  1. Which came first? Chicken or the Egg?
  2. Why does it matter anyway?
So just listen to those important notices that i call songs to keep up with this stupid community people call teenage society. May make you 'Market' but whose for sale anyways eh?

Black and white do not fear light,
Yellow and blue makes me mellow inside,
Red wine, so good :)

whose number is 0123456789? :s
I try calling but no one picks up. Unless its just me?

Why do i do random posts? (questions that you ask me)
Why are you reading it? ;p (queustion in a question from me)

Lucky 13

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