Dirt on your shoulder?

Confidence will get you somewhere, knowledge is wisdom to do something right.
Knowledge with a certain amount of confidence will get you there.

I let you go, i cant feel like how i felt before.
I wont be ignored, listen to me right now!

Love isn't a hobby but the strongest emotion a human feel,
Kill for this feeling, but savor the moment cause it may not last long,
These words i write straight from my heart, past experiences, knowledge of the human psyche.

Love isn't a feeling you get everyday,
When you get this feeling, channel love into your system and funnel it into your life, may lead you to somewhere only your Imagination can take you
These words taken from a poet and brought to retro spec by a heart broken fellow

Love is knowledge of your partner,
Once you understand your spouse, you understand that it takes more than "i love you'"s to keep this feeling strong, with a bit of Past time; with you partner, you'll find a way to keep it strong.
These words i speak of are related to those long term relationship couples that just barely hold on to that feeling people call love sick

These words i speak are not true nor false, its for your believes only.
Put this into consideration and maybe you'll get far.
"Trying is better nothing" quote Lost hope 13

Passions, Dreams and Wishes/

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