Lie to My faCe

Conclusion that i make towards my life, its kinda odd that i'm doing this at the age of 17. Once you lost something precious than air; you start thinking what else can happen that can ruin your life rite? Something as captivating as a free smile from a stranger doesn't amuse me one bit.

Love hurts, its worst when you lost a loved one
quote lucky13

I'll be better when i'm older,
I'll be the greatest fan of your life.
Strong words.

I wish you can see me now, a bit more matured to make rational decisions. I'm sure sympathy is the first word that strikes when I cry. I don't want sympathy, make a matured decisions and let me see the strands in your eyes. I'm sure you'll tear up, if i can make your cry, there are feelings in your heart for me, but i cant force them out kan.

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
quote Chrity- Hurt
It hurts more than you can take a knife and stab me

Now that tears run down almost every night, regretting the out come. I cant careless. Selfless attributes are my Achilles heel. You used that against me, you said: "Umar, its best for me and you if we went separates ways. I'm sure if we were meant to be, we would meet again. Ok?" *few months later* "Umar, meet my bf"

I saw the cruel intention but i ignored my bitter thoughts. I said to myself that the night is darkest before dawn.

Love is just false fairy-tale, stop living in it, fuck the real world too
quote lucky13

The only lucky people is too die a sane man with a loved one. Those are the lucky bunch, probably the Holocaust victims.

I just wished something better would happen to me within this time of mourning, something exciting; like sharing a great memory with a random person, getting to know them maybe. I hate it when i asked but theres not answer, when i wonder but theres not an answer, no response to a simple suggestions.

So rite now in my life;
Passions; Cant say living cause i wake up just to smoke and kill myself faster.
Dreams; For a better and not bitter tmw.
Wishes; To meet someone even more special than the last one.

Rejection is a bitch, but life throws rejections rite at me; conclusion? lifes a bitch!


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